Carbon neutral for nine years and counting

Our business has successfully achieved carboNZero recertification for 2019

Our business has successfully achieved carboNZero recertification for 2019

Our Environmental Management Team is pleased to announce that we have received CarboNZero certification for our ninth consecutive year, an accomplishment that reflects our commitment to both our environmental and sustainability policies.

Morphum Environmental has been carboNZero certified since 2011 and we take continual steps to ensure that as an organisation we manage, reduce, accurately measure and offset our carbon emissions. Our greenhouse gas emissions management plan and reduction targets include objectives for measuring emissions associated with our travel, as well as reducing waste and electricity usage through staff education and audits.

To offset our emissions this year, Morphum is proud to support two initiatives: Puhi Peaks and Bagepalli Coolie Sangha Cook Stoves.

Puhi Peaks Station, Kaikoura, is a forest sequestration project that aims to protect, preserve and enhance the station’s indigenous biodiversity, while remaining a productive economically sustainable farming and tourism operation. The site is actively managed for weed and pest control. Puhi Peaks is home to one of the last two remaining wild breeding colonies of nationally endangered Hutton’s shearwater. One of the owning family has also previously worked at Morphum.

The Bagepalli Coolie Sangha Cook Stoves Project is an India based project that is setting up 18,000 biogas plants (digesters) for single households in the Chickballapur District, replacing kerosene and non-renewable biomass combustion with biogas for cooking and hot water heating. A biogas plant of two cubic metre capacity is able to provide cooking fuel to a family of four to five people. The digestor is powered by cow dung, organic waste and other biomass waste.

Morphum Environmental Director Caleb Clarke says he’s delighted with the company’s commitment to remaining carbon neutral.

“We are proud to be an early adopter of offsetting emissions and work hard to reduce our overall carbon footprint. We also like to select offsetting projects with four well-being benefits.”

As we enter our tenth year of carbon reporting and certification, we will continue our efforts to reduce our carbon emissions and support our clients and sub-contractors to reduce their emissions. We also see reduction of the embodied carbon in the infrastructure we design and implement as an important outcome of our role and we will continue to work to innovate towards zero carbon outcomes.

Is your business interested in becoming carbon neutral? Our environmental management team can help. Get in touch with Laura Toulmin, sustainable project coordinator to find out more information.