Watercourse Assessment Methodology | Infrastructure and Ecology


By Mark Lowe, Rhian Ingley and Damian Young.


Watercourse Assessment Reports (previously called Watercourse Management Plans) provide baseline information on the existing condition of waterways.

A Watercourse Assessment Report is a core resource in managing waterways to multiple objectives within realistic environmental, economic and social constraints.

Watercourse Assessment Reports aim to provide information which can be used to maintain high value streams, enhance degraded streams and remedy specific stormwater issues while recognising the future growth pressures facing the Auckland region and the essential function of urban streams in conveying stormwater.

The purpose of a Watercourse Assessment Report is to collect and report on meaningful data (engineering assets, biological and geomorphological stream state) in order to inform effective management of:

  • Stream ecological health (biological and physical attributes).

  • Stormwater infrastructure.

  • Stormwater conveyance.

Jennifer Howe

Digital Content Manager