Morphum were engaged by Auckland Council to undertake the detailed design and physical works supervision of the upgrades of both the Water Treatment Plant and the Water Supply Reticulation within Martins Bay Holiday Park.
Water within Martins Bay Holiday Park is sourced from an existing groundwater bore, located within the Holiday Park, which services the entire Holiday Park (including all facilities) as well as the public toilet block located adjacent to the local public boat ramp. An existing water treatment plant, situated within the Holiday Park area, required upgrades to comply with new drinking water legislation and standards. Conversations with Auckland Council Community Facilities and the Holiday Park Managers also confirmed a desire to relocate this treatment plant to allow the existing location to be reclaimed as a bookable site.
Water was distributed through the Holiday Park (and to the adjacent public toilet block) via an aging water supply reticulation network. Due to the age of the network and its various issues, a full replacement of the water supply reticulation was proposed with a desire to increase the level of service within the Holiday Park by increasing the amount of available water supply taps. This resulted in almost 1 tap per camp site.
Morphum worked closely with Auckland Council clients, maintenance operators, and local stakeholders (including Auckland Council Community Facilities and the Holiday Park Management team) to prepare designs for a new Water Treatment Plant and Water Supply Reticulation Network that was compliant with the latest Taumata Arowai Rules, regulations and guidance (including continuous monitoring requirements etc.) and would be fit for purpose with the Holiday Park’s aspirations for an increased level of service and further room for future growth.
Morphum prepared all necessary design documentation and drawings, supported Auckland Council with tender evaluation ensuring the correct suppliers / physical works contractors were selected, and oversaw / supervised the physical works install on behalf of Auckland Council.
Practical Completion for the Reticulation works was achieved in August 2024 with the Water Treatment Plant on track for completion before October 2024 preparing the site for increased usage typical of the busy summer period.