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Watercourse Assessment & Fish Passage Remediation




Gisborne District Council


Environmental Engineering

Ecology & Science

Water Engineering

Monitoring & Compliance

Building on our experience in developing watercourse assessment methodologies Morphum were engaged to develop, and pilot, a fit for purpose Watercourse Assessment Methodology for Tairāwhiti. Ultimately, this methodology would enable Council, Tangata Whenua, and other organisations or relevant parties to carry out watercourse assessments across Tairāwhiti.

A Watercourse Assessment was carried out along Kopuawhakapata Stream, Kaitī, in collaboration with local kaitiaki group Whaia Tītīrangi (Ngāti Oneone, Ngāti Porou). Although the health of Kopuawhakapata was found to be degraded, there was evident potential for ecological recovery over time. Abundant tuna populations, including shortfin and longfin tuna) were observed in the stream and shoals of īnanga were observed in its lower reaches.

Eleven opportunities for the enhancement and restoration of the Kopuawhakapata were identified. With support from tangata whenua, the local community, and Council, these opportunities held the potential to benefit the environmental, cultural, social and economic wellbeing of the Kopuawhakapata and its surrounding neighbourhoods.

Following the watercourse assessment, Morphum were engaged by Gisborne District Council to design fish passage barrier remediations for seven locations along the Kopuawhakapata Stream.

The identified fish barriers varied from perched culvert outlets to shallow, high velocity reaches. Morphum developed best practice solutions in collaboration with mana whenua (Ngāti Oneone). The solutions recommended the installation of rock ramps, culvert baffles and riffle installation.

In this instance, Morphum also identified the opportunity to re-use woody debris and concrete rubble that had been placed in the stream to avoid over-importing material or additional disposal to landfill.

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